Raising money in memory of Rahul
09 Oct Archive
Previously the Chelsea Children’s Hospital Charity, we re-launched as The Children’s Surgery Foundation in 2019 to reflect the national scope of our work today. The story below is from our days as the Chelsea Children’s Hospital Charity.
Rahul Boyle was an incredibly brave and beautiful little boy. Born prematurely he was cared for in Chelsea Children’s Hospital Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) but tragically died at just 12 days old.
“Rahul gave us 12 of the most precious days. There is no silver-lining. A sweet little boy, who should be with us, is not. With Rahul, we experienced the NICU first-hand. A place no parent, or baby, wants to be, yet a place we are eternally grateful for. A place which is sustained by outstanding medical care and hope,” says mum Sonali.
Both Sonali and her husband Harry, together with family and friends, are undertaking a series of feats in Rahul’s name. Dad Harry and friends will be running the Venice Marathon on 23rd October, while Sonali and friends will be climbing Yorkshire’s Three Peaks on 15th October. Also on 15th October, an incredible 56 family members will undertake a 12 mile sponsored run/walk in seven countries around the world, from India to Brazil.
“We are supporting two NICUs; Chelsea & Westminster in London, where Rahul lived and received incredible care, and Shrimad Rajchandra Hospital in India, which treats babies from the poorest communities in Southern Gujarat, at no cost. All funds will go directly to these two special NICUs. Their work, in turn, will give premature and critically-ill babies a chance of survival. It is humbling to see just what doctors and nurses can do when given the right resources.”
If you would like to cheer on Sonali and Harry and to donate to this worthy cause, please click on the following link: